Privacy Policy



Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of the EU Regulation of 27 April 2016, n. 679 " concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC " (hereinafter, " Regulation "or" Privacy Policy "), Yamanik Macramè di Roberta Armenti, with registered office in SAN BERNARDINO VERBANO (VB), Via Piave 8A - 28804, as the" Data Controller ", wishes to inform you that, in implementation of the obligations deriving from the Privacy Law, it is required to provide you with some information regarding the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data concerning you, which the Data Controller may come into possession of. According to the law, this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.
1. Source of personal data
The personal data held by Yamanik Macramè are collected directly from the interested party when registering on the website at the Company's headquarters or through its agents, for the purpose of signing of the sales contract, carrying out an assistance service as well as in order to receive information on Yamanik Macramè products. In any case, all acquired data will be treated in compliance with the Privacy Law.
2. Purpose of the processing of personal data
Your personal data will be processed within the activities of Yamanik Macramè for the pursuit of the following purposes:
a) operational and functional purposes for the execution of the sales contract or for the performance of assistance services, as well as for purposes strictly connected, connected and / or instrumental to that of verifying the correct management of the operations just mentioned.
b) marketing purposes inherent to events and/or advertising and/or promotional campaigns relating to the products and/or services offered, created by Yamanik Macramè. Your data, for the aforementioned optional purposes, may be communicated to subsidiaries/parent companies connected to Yamanik Macramè and/or external specialized companies, appointed by the same to support you in the definition of promotional sales initiatives through interviews, letters, telephone or via systems automated communications such as, for example, sending e-mails, faxes, SMS, MMS etc;

3. Methods of processing personal data
In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal data takes place using manual, IT and telematic tools designed to store, manage and transmit the data, solely for the purpose of pursuing purposes for which they were collected and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee their security and confidentiality. In carrying out the processing activities, the Company undertakes to:
a) ensure the accuracy and updating of the data processed, and promptly acknowledge any corrections and/or additions requested by the interested party;
b) notify to the interested party, within the times and in the cases provided for by the mandatory legislation, any violations of personal data;
c) guarantee the compliance of the processing operations with the applicable legal provisions.
The Company also processes personal data acquired in full compliance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. In compliance with the Privacy Law, the Company configures or, in any case, undertakes to configure the information systems and computer programs by minimizing the use of personal data, so as to exclude their processing if the purposes pursued can be achieved through, respectively, anonymous data or appropriate methods that allow the data subject to be identified only in case of need. The data will be processed manually and/or computerized and stored both on paper supports and on computer supports or on any other type of support suitable for storing, managing and transmitting the same, with logic strictly related to the purposes of the processing, and in any case in order to guarantee their security and confidentiality.

4. Obligation to provide personal data and its consequences in case of failure to provide it
The provision of data for the purpose referred to in point 2, lett. a), although not mandatory, it is essential and indispensable for the management of customer relations (e.g. acquisition of information prior to the conclusion of a contract, execution of operations based on the obligations deriving from contracts concluded with customers). Any refusal, even partial, to provide such data could make it impossible, in whole or in part, to provide the requested service and to execute the request by the interested party.
The provision of data is optional for all the purposes indicated in point 2, lett. b) and c), with the consequence that any refusal to provide your data will result in the simple impossibility of informing you about the products and / or services offered and any promotional sales initiatives as well as submitting surveys of satisfaction.

6. Data Controller and Data Processor
The Data Controller is Roberta Armenti (CF and / or VAT number 02628210037) in the person of the pro-tempore legal representative, based in SAN BERNARDINO VERBANO (VB), Via Piave 8A - 28804, Tel. +39.0742-39251, email The data processing will take place at the aforementioned offices.
7. Personal data retention policy
The Company keeps in its systems the personal data acquired in a form that allows the identification of data subjects for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed or to comply with specific regulatory or contractual obligations.
In particular, some data may be kept for a certain period, in order to fulfill contractual or legal obligations, such as:
- Prospect, 12 months for surveys, 24 months for marketing
- Customers, 10 years from the last renewal of consent, for security and legal reasons
8. Rights of the interested party
Finally, we inform you that, pursuant to articles 15-22 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the interested party may exercise specific rights by contacting the Data Controller, including:
a) right of access: the right to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation that data processing is in progress or not personal data and in this case, to obtain access to personal data and further information on the origin, purpose, category of data processed, recipients of communication and / or data transfer, etc.
b) right of rectification: right to obtain from the Data Controller the correction of inaccurate personal data without undue delay, as well as the integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing an additional declaration.
c) right to cancellation: right to obtain from the Data Controller the cancellation of personal data without unjustified delay in the event that:
 the personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes of the processing;
 the consent on which the processing is based is revoked and there is no other justification I redeem for processing;
 personal data have been unlawfully processed;
 personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation.

d) right to object to processing: the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data which have as their legal basis a legitimate interest of the Data Controller.
e) right to limitation of processing: right to obtain from the Data Controller the limitation of processing , in cases where the accuracy of the personal data is contested (for the period necessary for the data controller to verify the accuracy of such personal data), if the processing is unlawful and / or the data subject has opposed the processing.
f) right to data portability: the right to receive personal data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device and to transmit such data to another data controller, only for cases in which the processing is based on consent and only for data processed by electronic means.
g) right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: without prejudice to any other administrative or jurisdictional appeal le, the interested party who deems that the treatment concerning him violates the Privacy Law has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the Member State in which he habitually resides or works, or of the State in which the alleged violation has occurred.
If the interested party wishes to have more information on the processing of your personal data, or to exercise the rights indicated above, he can send a registered letter with return receipt or PEC communication, respectively: Roberta Armenti, based in SAN BERNARDINO VERBANO (VB) , Via Piave 8A - 28804. Further information can be requested from .